Every human have 33 columns of bones in the spine called vertebra, which function as a protection for the spinal cords and to make us stand upright. When you have a spinal fracture, one or more these columns can be either cracked or broke. The size of the fracture can vary from a single strand of hair up to a complete fracture. And if you want to treat this fracture safely, you can try balloon kyphoplasty. This article will explain you the benefits and risks of balloon kyphoplasty.
When you got a fractured vertebra, the shape of the bone will get compressed and distorted. Later then it will result in localized swelling. The muscle and tissue near the fractured vertebra also can be affected. This can result in back pain.
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Balloon kyphoplasty is a procedure that can sustain a fractured or cracked vertebra and is minimally invasive. It can correct the fractured bones and can restore the original spinal form. It will give your original spinal posture back. But before you do this procedure, you must read the benefits and risks of balloon kyphoplasty.
When we talk about the benefits and risks of balloon kyphoplasty, it had medically proven that balloon kyphoplasty will restore the original vertebral body height and can also correct its deformity. Other benefits of ballon kyphoplasty is that it will reduce the back pain that you felt significantly.
Your mobility and your life quality will be sustained and improved greatly as this procedure is highly effective. Having fractured vertebra will require you to get many times of bed rest as the back pain is slowly unbearable.
With this procedure you will spend less time in bed as this procedure can sustain your spinal form. Your back pain will get reduced, so you can just do your daily routine. You can just do many things that you can’t do with your fractured vertebra.
When talking about the benefits and risks of balloon kyphoplasty, it is a mandatory that you also must aware of the risks. Balloon kyphoplasty procedure can result in a low chance of complications, such as heart attack, stroke, cardiac arrest, and the existence of fat or bone cement in lungs or heart which called embolism. The risk of infection also can happen, like the bone cement can leak to the surrounding muscle and tissue near the spinal cord which in rare case can cause paralysis.