Traditional Open Back Surgery Procedure, Cost and Risks

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D. Jessica

Back Surgery

Traditional Open Back Surgery Procedure, Cost and Risks

Traditional Open Back Surgery Procedure, Cost and Risks

The traditional open back surgery has long been regarded the norm or the most standard procedure to treat patients with various kinds of back-related disturbances. This opinion remains the same until minimally invasive surgery is developed, which then gives the surgeons to be able to manage the damage of a patient’s back without having to cut the back open wide just to assess the situation.

The method, also known as endoscopic surgery, is proven effective in mitigating the damage occurred to the patient’s back, especially in terms of recuperation period as there will only be small incision scar to the body. And it does not stop there; the endoscopic surgery also eliminate the necessities for the surgeon to remove so many tissues from the patient’s body so that there will not be a chance for the disturbance to spread over.

Unfortunately, as promising as endoscopic surgery may seem, it is not a method available for just anyone who wants it. There will be some conditions that prevent the surgeons from performing this method to a patient and this is the moment the traditional open back surgery needs to be undertaken. In other words, if the situation requires so, open back surgery may be the best bet.

Traditional Open Back Surgery Procedure

The traditional open back surgery is done by, well, cutting the patient’s back open. The surgeon makes a long incision along the back, exposing the tissues that need retraction so that the surgeon may have a better view upon the area he or she wants to operate.

In some cases, there might be the needs of removing obstructing organs or tissues for the surgeon to be able to perform the necessary treatment to the affected area. Once the surgeon is done with the treatment, he or she will then proceed to close the patient up, completing the course of the procedure. Patient must then stay for a couple of days so the doctors may be able to examine and observe the change following the treatment. Upon discharging, patients still need to take medications and, if required, use instruments to keep the spine in place.

Traditional Open Back Surgery Cost

The average cost of traditional open back surgery is $13,000 or so.

Potential Risks of Open Back Surgery

Bleeding is perhaps the most common risk faced by a patient undergoing open back surgery. Blood clots follow the possible worst scenario for this treatment. Negative reaction against anesthesia is also another possible bad outcome. Dural tear, infection, lung problems, chronic pain; all of these just add another layer to the complexity of open back surgery. And let’s not forget the nerve injury that may lead to sexual dysfunction and injury to spinal cord.


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